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My Services

The ultimate methodology to transform your body

  • Do you want to feel agile and active like when you were younger?

  • Do you think your health and body are your priorities, as taking care of them is a practice of self-love?  

  • Imagine how you would feel with a great shape, and be confident with your body?

  • ​Would you like to quickly lose weight with an easy nutrition plan in which you have results and never feel hungry?


Click to know more ! 

My name is Lucas

Experienced personal trainer in the heart of Zürich

I am French and i fluently speak English and I am conversational in German and Spanish.


My passion for sports was ignited at six years old when I made my way through various styles of martial arts until I ended up in Mixed Martial Arts fights at 20.


 Outside of the ring I first cultivated a strenuous bodybuilding routine for several years before realizing the limited functionality of the pumped up body.

Since then, my training method is based on functional training and I help people all over the world reaching the results they want with a successful method!


After a long international career, I am now in Zurich, a place I love, and I will make you reach your goals!


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What people say about ME


Lucas is a great trainer and person. If you just want to pump, you're wrong with him. But if you are looking for a holistic training, sustainable muscle building, posture improvement, balance training as well as joy in training he is the right one. I take Lucas as a super competent person who puts his finger on your wounds and motivates you to go on.

Nicolas L.

Meine Erfahrungen mit Lucas zu trainieren waren grossartig. Er konnte auf meine Beschwerden eingehen und in überaschend schneller Zeit mit mir erste Erfolge verzeichnen. Ich fühle mich endlich wieder gut in meinem Körper. Zudem habe ich von ihm schon viele Tipps bekommen. Nicht nur fürs Training sondern auch für die Ernährung, mein Mindset und für ganz alltägliche Sachen. Danke Lucas!

Tamara M.

Lucas macht einen super Job. Er hat das richtige Wissen über Training, Körper und den Mensch im Allgemeinen. Beim ihm geht es um so viel mehr als darum einfach „nur“ Muskeln aufzubauen und das schätze ich und macht ihn als Personal Trainer sensationell. Man merkt das er sehr viel Erfahrung hat und genau weiss was er tut.

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